Teens can still have same-sex relations just like Young Adults, Adults and Elders. The mysterious lattices of twigs were inspired by the work of Weird Tales. From Wikipedia: 'Sticks' is a short story by horror fiction writer Karl Edward Wagner, first published in the March 1974 issue of Whispers.It has been reprinted in several anthologies, including the revised edition of Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, indicating that it is part of the Cthulhu Mythos genre. Karl Edward Wagner’s afterword reveals that the stick designs were originally discovered by Weird Tales artist Lee Brown Coye in much the same way as Colin Leverett in the story, and subsequently appeared as a signature in his work. Well, it was unsettling to learn that there’s a basis of truth in this Lovecraftian zombie story. While his body of horror stories is small, with his later work sometimes disappointing, he wrote more genuine classics of the genre than most writers. Make sure to check the page often, as he updates the mod frequently to add new features and fix bugs.Karl Edward Wagner was a complex figure, a giant in both the horror and sword-and-sorcery genres, but one whose battles with alcohol stopped him from building on the promise of his early work. The MC Command Centre is available for download on Mod The Sims, and can be found here. It can be found on a different website by the same user, but the link to it can be found on the MC Command Centre page.

Due to the nature of this module, it is 18+ only. Handles romantic interactions between Sims, and can enable things such as nudity, teen woohoo and risky woohoo. It can also set how many homeless Sims you want in your world. This feature allows you to set what percentage of your Sim population you wish to be Babies, Children, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Elders. If you like to switch between active households, and one of your Sims goes into labour, you can set the game to pause so that way you can still watch the delivery! You can also select this option with a Sim in your household, allowing you to change the pregnancy phase they are in, or even end it if you don’t your Sims to have children.Īlso story progression, but more advanced. You can also choose whether or not you want your Sims to exclusively choose other Sims of the same or opposite gender to marry and have children with. Enables story progression! Let’s you change the percentile of autonomous marriage and pregnancy within your game.