Sometimes, the amount of entities or farms on a server world aren’t fixed through switching to PaperMC. My server still has lag issues even with PaperMC: Whichever the file name is, make sure the uploaded file has the matching name, then restart. But to double check, find the “JAR File” section of the panel, then see what the file name is set to under the version selector. By default, the file should be named “custom.jar”. This usually occurs if the jar file isn’t named correctly. The server won’t start when using a custom jar: If you go from a version like 1.17 to 1.16, we recommend generating a new world to go with it and prevent this issue from occurring. Oftentimes, this can occur if using an incompatible world after switching versions, but mostly happens if going from a new version to an older one. If you are interested in joining the PaperMC community, you can visit their page here. PaperMC is constantly being updated with new fixes and patches, so even the smallest of bugs can be fixed in the same version. Overall, PaperMC is a great server option for those that want to play with many players, plugins, and still want control over what can or cannot be done. Scroll down to the JAR File section, then open the dropdown.Here at Apex Hosting, it is very easy to install and set it up, so we will be showing you how to do this today. PaperMC allows the use of both Bukkit and Spigot plugins, as well as offering a wide selection of configuration options to improve overall gameplay and customization. Introducing PaperMC, a fork of Spigot that dedicates itself to bringing improved performance and features to servers. Alongside this, vanilla Minecraft often suffers from basic moderation, as there are limited commands that server staff can have. In more recent server versions, it has become increasingly difficult for Minecraft to stay optimized with large amounts of concurrent players. Show More How to Set Up a Paper Minecraft Server Setup and Play an MC Eternal Server in Minecraft.Setup and Play an InsaneCraft Server in Minecraft.Setup and Play a Tekkit Server in Minecraft.Setup and Play a SevTech: Ages Server in Minecraft.Setup and Play a Project Ozone 3 Server in Minecraft.

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