Source->SPIRV->targets, do source->SPIRV->target p, -per-target Enable per-target compilation. With xcrun metal(lib) and stores that instead of t, -metallib In combination with -msl builds a Metal library c, -fxc In combination with -hlsl invokes fxc to store o, -output Output file for the shader pack. O Invoke spirv-opt to optimize SPIR-V for g Generate full debug info for SPIR-V and DXBC msl Comma separated list of Metal Shading Language

hlsl Comma separated list of HLSL (Shader Model) glsl Comma separated list of GLSL versions to zorder-loc The extra vertex input location when rewriting b, -batchable Also generates rewritten vertex shader for Qt v, -version Displays version information. help-all Displays help including Qt specific options. ?, -h, -help Displays help on commandline options.

Qt Shader Baker (using QShader from Qt 6.2.0)